Anti-doping Podcast2022-12-30T09:41:25-07:00

130 – Providing Evidence-Based Information About Dietary Supplements – Andrea Lindsey

Andrea Lindsey is Director of Operation Supplement Safety, the Department of Defense program of record for dietary supplements, a Program of the Consortium for Health and Military Performance of Uniformed Services University. She is also an Assistant Professor at the Uniformed Services University. In this episode, Andrea discusses important issues surrounding dietary supplements, how Operation Supplement Safety got started, and how it is protecting the health and safety of service members today. She also discusses important partnerships and the recent Performance-Enhancing Substances Summit, a collaborative event centered around anti-doping in sport and in the military.

By |July 16th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 130 – Providing Evidence-Based Information About Dietary Supplements – Andrea Lindsey

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    129 – The French Anti-Doping Agency’s Preparations for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games – Francesca Rossi, PhD

    Dr. Francesca Rossi is Testing Director at the French Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) where she also manages international partnerships and serves as a science coordinator. She joined us in this interview to talk about her career and her work at AFLD, including preparations for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. Listen to this episode to get a behind-the-scenes look at the important considerations and work done by national anti-doping organizations ahead of a large event like the 2024 Games.

    By |July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 129 – The French Anti-Doping Agency’s Preparations for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games – Francesca Rossi, PhD

    128 – Elite Distance Runner Contributing to Clean Sport Through Research and Advocacy – Andrew Heyes, PhD

    Dr. Andrew Heyes is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Leeds Beckett University. He is also working on a research project at the University of Birmingham, and he is an elite athlete in the marathon and ultramarathon competing for Great Britain, a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Social Science Research Expert Advisory Group, a Member of the UK Anti-Doping Athlete Commission, and former Chair of the UK Athletics Athletes’ Commission. In this episode, we discuss multiple anti-doping and sport integrity social science research projects that Andrew is working on, as well as his athletic career, and his dedication to anti-doping advocacy.

    By |June 18th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 128 – Elite Distance Runner Contributing to Clean Sport Through Research and Advocacy – Andrew Heyes, PhD

    127 – Advancing Anti-Doping Research and Implementing Dried Blood Spot Testing – Jakob Mørkeberg, PhD

    Dr. Jakob Mørkeberg is Senior Science Manager at Anti Doping Denmark. In this episode, he discusses research and development efforts to advance dried blood spot (DBS) testing, how they have implemented DBS methods for drug testing in elite sport and fitness centers in Denmark, and some of the positive cases and athlete sanctions from DBS tests. Jakob also covers their ongoing research to better understand the scope of doping and doping substances in Denmark, important collaborations and partnerships that are helping them advance clean sport, and more.

    By |June 4th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 127 – Advancing Anti-Doping Research and Implementing Dried Blood Spot Testing – Jakob Mørkeberg, PhD

    126 – Studying the Experiences and Perspectives of Clean and Sanctioned Athletes – Cornelia Blank, PhD, and David Müller, PhD

    In this episode, Dr. Cornelia Blank and Dr. David Müller discuss a newly launched collaborative research project they are leading that is examining the experiences and perspectives of sanctioned athletes as well as clean athletes. The project is called Transforming Athletes’ Life Experiences after Doping into Education Resources and Policy Recommendations (TALE), and you can learn more at https://athletes-tale.eu/. Cornelia is Professor and deputy head of the Institute for Sports Medicine, Alpine Medicine and Health Tourism at the University for Health Sciences and Health Tech in Hall in Tirol, Austria. David is Head of Information and Education at the National Anti-Doping Agency Austria (NADA Austria). He is also head of the Medical Department and is the Quality Manager at NADA Austria.

    By |May 21st, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 126 – Studying the Experiences and Perspectives of Clean and Sanctioned Athletes – Cornelia Blank, PhD, and David Müller, PhD

    125 – Combatting Doping in Norwegian Sport and Among Youth in Norway – Anders Solheim

    Anders Solheim is CEO of Anti-Doping Norway, and he was recently elected as the Chair of the Board of the Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO). In this episode, Anders talks more about his career, his work as part of iNADO, landmark accomplishments for clean sport in Norway over the years, how the organization supports anti-doping research, current challenges in anti-doping, Anti-Doping Norway’s goals for the future, and more.

    By |May 7th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 125 – Combatting Doping in Norwegian Sport and Among Youth in Norway – Anders Solheim

    124 – Health and Clean Sport Risks of Supplements, Research Chemicals, and Biologics – Amy Eichner, PhD

    Dr. Amy Eichner is the Special Advisor on Drugs and Supplements at the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA). In this episode, she discusses risks and considerations for athletes who are thinking about taking dietary supplements, and work that USADA is doing to help reduce supplement-related risks for athletes. Dr. Eichner also covers research chemicals, some of the novel substances that are relevant in the context of clean sport, the anti-doping implications of the growing field of biologics, and more.

    By |April 16th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 124 – Health and Clean Sport Risks of Supplements, Research Chemicals, and Biologics – Amy Eichner, PhD

    123 – Leading Routine Work, Research, and Development in LA’s Anti-Doping Lab – Brian Ahrens

    Brian Ahrens is Director of the UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory in Los Angeles. In this episode Brian shares insights from more than three decades working in a WADA-accredited anti-doping laboratory, details on their daily operations, research and development efforts they are working on now, areas of opportunity in anti-doping research, and their preparations for the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games which will be held in Los Angeles.

    By |April 2nd, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 123 – Leading Routine Work, Research, and Development in LA’s Anti-Doping Lab – Brian Ahrens

    122 – Protecting Clean Sport and Public Health in Denmark – Kim Ravn

    Kim Højgaard Ravn is Chief Executive Officer of Anti Doping Denmark, and he has worked for the organization for over ten years, serving in a variety of roles to advance clean sport. In our interview, Kim talks about his career, how the anti-doping landscape has evolved over the past decade, and the organization’s commitment to clean sport and supporting anti-doping science. Kim discusses the work they are doing at Anti-Doping Denmark currently, including anti-doping efforts in organized sports and also in gyms and fitness centers across the country.

    By |March 19th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 122 – Protecting Clean Sport and Public Health in Denmark – Kim Ravn

    121 – Directing the Brazilian Doping Control Lab and Advancing Anti-Doping Research – Henrique Pereira, PhD

    Dr. Henrique Marcelo Gualberto Pereira is Director of the Brazilian Doping Control Laboratory and Professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Henrique is also President of the World Association of Anti-Doping Scientists (WAADS). In our conversation, we talk about his background, the Brazilian Doping Control Laboratory, and the role of WAADS in the anti-doping community. He also shares some of the important research that he and his colleagues are working on, including using a zebrafish water tank model to better understand the metabolism of prohibited substances and research aimed at better detecting use of cobalt, a prohibited substance that can impact red blood cell production.

    By |March 5th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 121 – Directing the Brazilian Doping Control Lab and Advancing Anti-Doping Research – Henrique Pereira, PhD

    120 – The State of the Science Surrounding Blood Collection Devices from Tasso, Inc. – Matthew Fedoruk, PhD

    As a follow-up to our previous episode focused on innovative Blood Collection Devices from Tasso, Inc., Dr. Matthew Fedoruk joins us to discuss how Tasso’s blood collection devices are being used in anti-doping and the state of the science of what we can detect with these devices for anti-doping purposes. He covers important benefits of these devices, current limitations, and some of the key milestones and future directions for implementation in anti-doping testing. Dr. Fedoruk is Chief Science Officer at the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), and he is also Co-Chair of the Partnership for Clean Competition’s Scientific Advisory Board.

    By |February 20th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 120 – The State of the Science Surrounding Blood Collection Devices from Tasso, Inc. – Matthew Fedoruk, PhD

    119 – How Tasso is Innovating Blood Collection in Anti-Doping and Beyond – RJ Asplund and Erwin Berthier, PhD

    Collecting blood samples is critical in anti-doping testing and a variety of clinical applications such as diagnostics and disease monitoring. However, traditional blood testing approaches can be a major pain point for athletes, sport organizations, patients, and their care teams. Tasso, Inc. is a company developing innovative products to improve the user experience surrounding blood collection. In this episode, Dr. Erwin Berthier and RJ Asplund describe Tasso’s current devices and how they work, the benefits of these products, and how their work is helping advance anti-doping. Erwin is Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer and RJ is Vice President of Commercial at Tasso, Inc.

    By |February 6th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 119 – How Tasso is Innovating Blood Collection in Anti-Doping and Beyond – RJ Asplund and Erwin Berthier, PhD

    118 – Developing Novel Methods and Biomarkers to Detect Growth Hormone Doping – Martin Bidlingmaier, MD

    Dr. Martin Bidlingmaier is Head of the Endocrine Laboratory, and he leads the Neuroendocrine Research Group in the Department of Internal Medicine at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich. Martin conducts clinical and basic research, particularly focusing on the development and validation of laboratory methods to diagnose and monitor pituitary and adrenal hormones, physiology, pathophysiology and biomarkers of growth hormone action, and endocrine aspects of doping in sports. In this episode, we discuss his work identifying new biomarkers and developing novel methods to measure growth hormone and detect growth hormone doping. He describes how growth hormone isoforms and the formation of complexes can help distinguish doping, and how the protein soluble α-klotho has emerged as a potential biomarker that may be useful in anti-doping analyses.

    By |January 16th, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 118 – Developing Novel Methods and Biomarkers to Detect Growth Hormone Doping – Martin Bidlingmaier, MD

    117 – Keeping Sport Clean in New Zealand and Beyond – Nick Paterson

    Nick Paterson is Chief Executive of Drug Free Sport New Zealand, which will soon become part of a new Integrity Sport and Recreation Commission in New Zealand. He is also Governing Board Chair for the Institute of Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO). In this episode, Nick talks more about Drug Free Sport New Zealand, including the organization’s history, the resources and services they provide, and their role in the global anti-doping community. He also discusses upcoming changes for sport integrity in New Zealand, and their key focus areas for the future.

    By |January 2nd, 2024|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 117 – Keeping Sport Clean in New Zealand and Beyond – Nick Paterson

    116 – Reflecting on MLB’s Anti-Doping Efforts and the First 15 Years of the PCC – Jon Coyles and Dr. Gary Green

    To wrap up our celebration this year of the 15th anniversary of the Partnership for Clean Competition, this episode features two guests from Major League Baseball (MLB), one of the PCC’s Founding Partner Organizations. Jon Coyles, JD, is Vice President of Drug, Health and Safety Programs, and Gary Green, MD, is Medical Director of MLB. In addition, Jon is a member of the PCC’s Board of Governors, and Gary is a Member of the PCC’s Scientific Advisory Board. In our interview, Jon and Gary share their perspectives on clean sport in baseball, the history of the PCC, important impacts the organization has had in anti-doping over the past fifteen years, collaborations between the PCC and MLB, and more.

    By |December 19th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 116 – Reflecting on MLB’s Anti-Doping Efforts and the First 15 Years of the PCC – Jon Coyles and Dr. Gary Green

    115 – Supporting Anti-Doping Careers and Advancing Hematology Research – Mike Sawka, PhD

    Dr. Mike Sawka is Chief Scientific Officer at Environmental Physiology and Hydration Associates, an Adjunct Professor at Georgia Tech, and a Member of the PCC’s Scientific Advisory Board and the Performance Hematology Working Group. He is also a Fellow of the American Physiological Society (APS). Today, we’re excited to talk about Mike’s career, his work with the PCC over the years, and his involvement with the American Physiological Society. He will also be discussing initiatives from the PCC and the APS designed to attract early-career and established researchers to the field of anti-doping, as well as some of the success stories to date.

    By |December 5th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 115 – Supporting Anti-Doping Careers and Advancing Hematology Research – Mike Sawka, PhD

    114 – NFL’s Continued Support of Clean Sport and the PCC – Adolpho Birch

    Adolpho Birch III is currently the Chief External & League Affairs Officer for the Tennessee Titans football team. Previously, he spent more than two decades working for the National Football League (NFL) in various roles. The NFL is one of the Founding Members of the Partnership for Clean Competition, and Adolpho is one of the PCC’s Emeritus Board of Governors Members. In this episode, Adolpho discusses his career, his experiences supporting clean sport, and anti-doping advances in football over the years. In addition, to continue the celebration of the PCC’s 15th anniversary this year, Adolpho talks more about the history and impacts of the PCC in the anti-doping movement.

    By |November 7th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 114 – NFL’s Continued Support of Clean Sport and the PCC – Adolpho Birch

    113 – Learn How the Office of the Athlete Ombuds Supports Team USA – Kacie Wallace

    Kacie Wallace is an attorney and the Team USA Athlete Ombuds. The Office of the Athlete Ombuds provides a safe place for athletes to seek confidential, independent, impartial advice, and assistance with sport related matters. In this episode, Kacie talks more about the Office of the Athlete Ombuds, the resources and services they provide, her career path, her role in clean sport, and her work advocating for athletes.

    By |November 7th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 113 – Learn How the Office of the Athlete Ombuds Supports Team USA – Kacie Wallace

    112 – Reticulocyte-related RNAs as biomarkers to detect blood doping – Francesco Loria

    Francesco Loria is a Ph.D. student in biomedical science at the Swiss Laboratory for Doping Analysis in Lausanne and the University of Geneva. In this episode, we hear more about Francesco’s career, his research on the potential for reticulocyte-related RNA to be used as biomarkers to detect blood doping, and his receipt of one of this year’s PCC-sponsored Anti-doping Predoctoral Awards in partnership with the American Physiological Society (APS).

    By |October 17th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 112 – Reticulocyte-related RNAs as biomarkers to detect blood doping – Francesco Loria

    111 – Exploring Erythropoietic Outcomes After Intermittent Hypoxia – Frank Wojan, PhD

    Dr. Frank Wojan recently completed his PhD in Clinical Physiology at The University of Texas at Austin, and he is currently a Senior Clinical Project Manager with Pluto Health. In this episode, Frank discusses his career path, his research on the effects of intermittent hypoxia on erythropoiesis, and the project that led to his receipt of one of this year’s PCC-sponsored Anti-doping Predoctoral Awards in partnership with the American Physiological Society (APS).

    By |October 3rd, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 111 – Exploring Erythropoietic Outcomes After Intermittent Hypoxia – Frank Wojan, PhD

    110 – Celebrating Five Decades of Anti-Doping Excellence at the DoCoLab – Peter Van Eenoo, PhD

    Dr. Peter Van Eenoo is Professor in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences and Director of the Doping Control Laboratory (DoCoLab) at Ghent University in Belgium. In this episode, we are excited to talk more about Peter, his research and routine work at the DoCo Lab, the history of the lab, and some of their groundbreaking discoveries over the years as they celebrate their 50th anniversary this year.

    By |September 19th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 110 – Celebrating Five Decades of Anti-Doping Excellence at the DoCoLab – Peter Van Eenoo, PhD

    109 – Examining Biotin as a Masking Agent for hCG Abuse – Jenna Goodrum, PhD

    Dr. Jenna Goodrum is a Partnership for Clean Competition Fellow and Research Scientist working in the Sports Medicine Research Testing Laboratory (SMRTL) in Utah. In this podcast episode, we’re excited to discuss Jenna’s career path, her work at SMRTL, her experience as a PCC fellow, and the details of her PCC-funded research project examining biotin as a masking agent for abuse of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

    By |September 5th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 109 – Examining Biotin as a Masking Agent for hCG Abuse – Jenna Goodrum, PhD

    108 – How Athletics Integrity Unit is Fighting for Fairness in Sport – David Howman

    David Howman is Chair of the Board of Directors at the Athletics Integrity Unit for World Athletics, and he has been named Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit for his services to sport. In this episode, we discuss the Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) in more detail, covering the founding of the organization, how it has changed over the years, the educational programs and resources they provide, key partnerships for the organization, and the importance of transparency in all aspects of the work done at AIU.

    By |August 15th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 108 – How Athletics Integrity Unit is Fighting for Fairness in Sport – David Howman

    107 – Preventing Use of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances by Young Athletes – Donald Hooton, Jr.

    Donald Hooton, Jr., is President of the Taylor Hooton Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to developing and promoting education programs for young athletes. Pressure to use performance-enhancing and appearance-enhancing substances can be high for students and young athletes, and the Taylor Hooton Foundation fills a critical gap by providing education and a forum for candid discussion of these difficult topics. In this episode, Don shares the history of the foundation, their mission, and how they are contributing to the clean sport movement.

    By |August 1st, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 107 – Preventing Use of Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances by Young Athletes – Donald Hooton, Jr.

    106 – Sport Integrity Australia is Working to Ensure Safe and Fair Sport For All – Naomi Spears, PhD

    Dr. Naomi Spears is the former Chief Science Officer and current General Manager of Operations at Sport Integrity Australia, Australia’s designated national anti-doping organization (NADO). In our interview, we talk more about Sport Integrity Australia, the history of the organization, the details of their anti-doping program, how they are incorporating dried blood spot testing into their anti-doping program, and how they are working with others around the world to protect clean sport.

    By |July 18th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 106 – Sport Integrity Australia is Working to Ensure Safe and Fair Sport For All – Naomi Spears, PhD

    105 – Perspectives on Key Stories and Anti-Doping Efforts in Major League Baseball – Tim Brown

    Tim Brown is a New York Times bestselling author and an award-winning national sports columnist covering Major League Baseball (MLB). In this episode, Tim talks about his career and gives us a behind-the-scenes view into some of the biggest stories in MLB’s recent history, including the Balco scandal, the Mitchell report, and the Biogenesis scandal. He discusses some of the major changes that MLB has implemented over the past two decades to detect and deter doping to help ensure clean sport in baseball.

    By |July 4th, 2023|Categories: Podcast|Comments Off on 105 – Perspectives on Key Stories and Anti-Doping Efforts in Major League Baseball – Tim Brown

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