Fund your Anti-Doping Research

Click on ‘Apply’ beneath your funding mechanism of choice to begin the process of funding your anti-doping research, or view our available resources showcasing best practices for successful PCC applications.

Research Grants

PCC Research Grants support projects advancing knowledge in the anti-doping sphere. Pre-Applications are reviewed two times per year: February 1st and August 1st. Applicants are encouraged to review the research priorities of the PCC before applying. Applicants that are invited to complete a full application, are encouraged to review the instructions below. Full Applications are due on March 1st and September 1st.


The PCC Micro-Grant program was developed to quickly fund high-quality projects which fill immediate gaps in anti-doping knowledge. Micro-grants are available for research requiring fewer than six months to complete, and less than $75,000 in funding. Applicants need not wait for a formal funding cycle to apply – requests are accepted year-round and may take as little as one week to approve. Applicants are encouraged to review the research priorities of the PCC before applying. Note: Social science grants are not eligible for PCC micro-grants at this time. Applicants are encouraged to submit social science grants through the PCC’s full grant application process.


The PCC Fellowship Program supports qualified scientists interested in the field of anti-doping, committed to meaningful research, and demonstrating potential for long-term contribution to the field of anti-doping scien​ce. Fellows selected by the PCC participate in a two-year program. Fellows gain practical knowledge from a U.S.-based, WADA-accredited laboratory and conduct research supporting the anti-doping field.

Resources for Applicants

The below resources will provide both insight into PCC processes and helpful tips on submitting a successful grant application.
In order to fund your anti-doping research, we recommend ensuring your project aligns with our Research Priorities and watching our application instructions below before submitting your request for funding.

You can find the account registration page here.

Did all my information from my previous grant and fellowship applications get carried over into the SurveyMonkey Apply system?

Yes. If you’re scrolling through your applications you might see that only some lines are filled in for the new system. That’s largely because we changed some questions when we migrated. However, we also attached a copy of your full application in the “File Uploads-Public” section, so everything is preserved.

I don’t see my previous applications that were declined. Are they gone for good?

No. Applications that were rejected in the previous system were migrated over to SurveyMonkey Apply as well. They have simply been archived to make the system easier for you to navigate. Should you need to access any of that information, simply email Jocelyn Quiles at She can reactivate your application or provide you with any specific documents you might need, including your full application.

I noticed some formatting errors in the data that got carried over. Will this negatively affect any of my applications that I submitted before the migration?

Absolutely not. In the process of moving over some data, formatting errors may have been introduced. However, only applications submitted through SurveyMonkey Apply will be reviewed in the system. Applications submitted through the previous system were reviewed using our previous methods. The Scientific Advisory Board is reviewing those grants just like they did all the others before the migration. As such, the SAB will not see the formatting errors that you may notice.

Still have questions? Our Manager of Communications and Operations Jocelyn Quiles is happy to help via

 Fund your anti-doping research : PCC Research Priorities
Budget Blog
fund your anti-doping research: PCC Funding Process
Blog: Re-submission Process