Christine Ayotte, Ph.D.
Pr. Ayotte obtained her M.Sc. (1978) and Ph.D. (1983) degrees in Organic Chemistry (Photochemistry) from the University de Montreal. Following two years of postdoctoral studies in mass spectrometry at the “INRS-Santa”, she joined as a research associate its Doping Control Laboratory. Her main research interests were then the characterization of the urinary metabolites of anabolic steroids and this lead to the development of a comprehensive gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric method for the detection and identification of anabolic agents. She is responsible for the Doping Control Laboratory since 1991 and was research associate professor since 1992. She is a member of the IAAF doping Commission since 1995, of the IOC Working Group on Harmonization of Laboratory protocols (1996-…) and was elected representative of the Heads of IOC Accredited Laboratories in 1995-1996. She is often requested to act as an expert for sport administrative, civil or criminal court hearings and arbitration in Canada, USA and Europe. |