Mr. Brian Ahrens UCLA Olympic Analytical Laboratory
A Peek Under the Hood: Urinalysis Advancements and Complexities Inside an Anti-Doping Laboratory
Mr. Gabe Baida InnoVero
Anti-Doping Innovation: What’s new on the horizon and why is continued innovation important?
Mr. Evan Bates Team USA
Why Effective Anti-Doping Programs Matter to Athletes
Dr. Lori Bestervelt PCC SAB Member
Understanding the Dangers of Contamination from Foods and Dietary Supplements – Raw Ingredients to Off-the-Shelf Products
Dr. Erwin Berthier Tasso, Inc.
Anti-Doping Innovation: What’s new on the horizon and why is continued innovation important?
Dr. Martin Bidlingmaier Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich
Translational Research Impact – Blood Detection of Human Growth Hormone: Advancements and Hurdles
Mr. Tim Brown New York Times bestselling author and an award-winning national sports columnist covering Major League Baseball
Communicating & Covering Doping Issues in Sports
Ms. Madison Chock Team USA
Why Effective Anti-Doping Programs Matter to Athletes
Mr. Jon Coyles Major League Baseball / PCC Board of Governors Chairperson
Adoption of DBS into Routine Doping Control: Perspectives from MLB and USADA Programs for Athletes
Dr. James Dalton PCC Scientific Advisory Board Co-Chair
Translational Research Impact – Blood Detection of Human Growth Hormone: Advancements and Hurdles
Dr. Yvette Dehnes Norwegian Doping Control Laboratory
Lab Director Perspectives: Evolving Research Needs for Labs in 2023
Dr. Amy Eichner U.S. Anti-Doping Agency
Understanding the Dangers of Contamination from Foods and Dietary Supplements – Raw Ingredients to Off-the-Shelf Products
Dr. Daniel Eichner Sports Medicine Research Testing Laboratory (SMRTL)
Lab Director Perspectives: Evolving Research Needs for Labs in 2023
Dr. Steven Elliott PCC SAB Member
Rapid Research Update: Tackling Blood Doping
Mr. Dave Ellis Major League Baseball/ Major League Baseball Players Association
Understanding the Dangers of Contamination from Foods and Dietary Supplements – Raw Ingredients to Off-the-Shelf Products