He is educated in chemistry, pharmacology and toxicology and began his career in forensic science at the Scotland Yard laboratory in England (1956), specializing in toxicology. In 1964, he was appointed Chief Forensic Toxicologist in Santa Clara County in San Jose, California and later lectured in forensic toxicology at the University of California of Criminology at Berkeley. He is currently Chief Consulting Toxicologist to the National Football League, and consultant to the World and U.S. Antidoping Agencies. He is the President and Chairman of the Board for the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Laboratory Inc. He serves on the Board of the NFL Health Foundation; the Scientific Advisory Board of the Partnership for Clean Competition, and consults with the NFL-NFLPA Research and Education Foundation. He is recipient of the Stas Medal, awarded by the German Society of Toxicology and Chemistry and the Rolla Harger Award, an honor given by the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Toxicology Section. In the fall of 1995 he received the Borkenstein Award from the National Safety Council for his more than 25 years of work on the role of alcohol and other drugs related to highway safety.