Gary Green, M.D.Scientific Advisory Board Member
Dr. Green currently serves as Medical Director for Major League Baseball, as well as their Research Director and Consultant on Anabolic Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Drugs. He is board-certified in both Internal Medicine and Sports Medicine and is a fellow in the American College of Physicians and American College of Sports Medicine. Dr. Green is currently a Clinical professor in the UCLA School of Medicine in the Division of Sports Medicine. He has been a team physician for intercollegiate athletics since 1986 and currently serves as the head team physician for Pepperdine University. Dr. Green served as a member of the NCAA’s Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sport and chaired the NCAA Committee on Drug Testing and Drug Education for 5 years. He is on review boards for USADA for adverse analytical findings, as well as therapeutic use exemptions. He maintains a clinical practice in sports medicine and internal medicine at the Pacific Palisades Medical Group.