Since 2008, the PCC’s mission has been to deter and detect the use of performance enhancing drugs in sport through funding scientific research world-wide. We have demonstrated global leadership in this domain, with nearly $23 million USD awarded to researchers in 17 countries, and 43% of funded projects being implemented as real-world solutions that protect clean athletes.
While analytical science has been our main focus since our inception, the PCC’s Board of Governor’s recently made a decision to expand our mandate to include social science projects which provide pragmatic solutions regarding deterrence of PED usage in sport:
“The PCC is committed to improving anti-doping programs worldwide through our research funding. That is why we are including social science in #PCC2019 and why we are open to funding research, including social science, on how to most effectively deter athlete usage of performance enhancing substances. Applicants should focus on how the research would tangibly improve testing programs to be considered for funding.” – Michael Pearlmutter, Executive Director.
We are extremely proud of this decision by our Board that allows us to further protect the integrity of sport through supporting an even larger pool of exceptional researchers around the world.
The application for social science projects will follow the same guidelines as those for analytical science: Pre-applications will be accepted three times annually, on March 1st, July 1st, and November 1st of every year. [1] (If the pre-application is accepted, full applications are due April/August/December 1st).
Applicants should consult the PCC application instructions [2] before beginning an application. Please note, while these instructions are geared towards scientific applications of an analytical nature, expectations for social science submissions will be nearly identical. For instance, preliminary data and detailed experimental methodology will be key areas of review.
If you have questions about the PCC’s social science support, or would like to discuss your project in advance of our next deadline, please reach out to Stakeholder Engagement Manager Jenna Celmer via [3].
We look forward to working with you.